Tag Archives: portrait photographer

Leibovitz vs Kanye | What One Portrait Photographer Thinks

The assumption from the average person is that a photographer is a photographer and that means that they should wear every hat. That’s like expecting your dentist to perform brain surgery. We choose our specialties based on what we love and what we are good at. Don’t expect good portrait photographers to be good event […]

Leibovitz vs Kanye | Portrait Photographer’s Perspective

The assumption from most people is that a photographer is a photographer and that means that they wear every hat. That is like expecting your podiatrist to perform brain surgery. We choose our specialties based on what we love and what we are good at. Don’t expect good portrait photographers to be good event photographers […]

Inspiration From Earth Day | Portrait Photographer

Yesterday was EarthDay which reminded us to be especially nice to our planet . I make a point to eat organic and use products in my everyday life that are less harmful for the environment. This is hard to do when you are a chaotic mother of 3 and a portrait photographer with two Los […]